This weekend’s Council “homework” reading is about 400 pages and includes an important final Comprehensive Trails Master Plan report recommendation for Barker’s Bush.
For the many people who love Barker’s Bush, it is worth having a look at the details within this 100 page plan (https://pub-brant.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=52255) . I’m still reading it but the gist seems to be that the consultant got the message that we want it left “as is”, with minimal upgrades and signage (with some erosion control/rerouting where necessary) and the prohibiting of motor vehicles.
Many of us have enjoyed the trails and the natural wonder of Barker’s Bush for years and up until 3 years ago, we were all trespassing on someone else’s property. Now that it is owned by the County, this “100 Acre Woods” will be enjoyed by our community forever.
I completely understand anyone who is frustrated by the fact there will be hundreds of homes adjacent to the area but I am happy to see this final Plan for Barker’s Bush.
Also, stay tuned as we start to look into ideas to make recreational use of land “North of the Nith”. I see an opportunity for Paris to have a combined area of over 400 acres of nature and trails on BOTH sides of the Nith for families who love to walk, hike, mountain bike, snowshoe etc.
This is a great place to live!